Cllr Mo Seedat, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: “We are appalled by the level of violence on our streets and are committed to working with communities to tackle the root causes of violence against our young people.”
Young people who feel they would benefit from counselling immediately following this incident should use the following information:
Victim Support provide a telephone support line, live chat and online support for parents, professionals and young people who have witnessed crime.
There is also a live chat available: victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/young-victims-crime
Young Minds provide support for young people experiencing death and loss, and offer advice for parents. Their website is:
Kooth – Lambeth has a new online support service for young people offering support at weekends, and live chat support with professionals until 10pm. Their website is: kooth.com/
Mind Ed for Families – provides support and guidance for parents. Their website is: mindedforfamilies.org.uk/Content/trauma_and_coping/
Anyone with information about the incident should call Crimestoppers anonymously via 0800 555 111 or tweet information to police via @MetCC