Responding to the news that a young person, named by police as Chino Johnson, 27 years old, has been killed in Lambeth in a violent attack in Ferrey Mews, SW9, Cllr. Jacqui Dyer MBE, Deputy Leader of Lambeth Council and Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety said:
“Yet another tragic loss of life has blighted our borough. Another young person has tragically had their life taken from them – and two other people are injured. On behalf of the council, we offer our prayers and thoughts to Chino’s friends and family and we wish those who have been hurt in this incident a speedy recovery.
“This violence has to stop. As a community, we must do everything we can – collectively – to stop serious youth violence and make Lambeth safer. The council and its partners will do everything we can – but we need the community to play its part too.
“If anyone has any information connected to this horrible attack, please do call for free by dialling 101. People can also call Crimestoppers anonymously and confidentially on 0800 555 111.
“Please help. If there is something you can do to help – please do so.
“Another family is grieving today. Another community devastated. Another life lost. Together, we can end this cycle of violence, but that can only happen if we work together.”
Cllr Claire Holland, Leader of the Council and Cllr Dyer have written to local residents following the tragic incident.
Ferrey Mews letter to residents
There are a range of free and confidential online and telephone-based support services for anybody who feels affected by this incident, or the wider issue of violence in our communities.
- Young Minds provide support for young people experiencing loss and offers advice for parents (call 0808 802 5544 or visit youngminds.org.uk).
- Kooth is an online support service for young people offering support at weekends, and live chat support with professionals until 10pm. You can access the service online by visiting https://www.kooth.com
- Mind Ed for families – provides support and guidance for parents www.minded.org.uk
- Victim Support provide a telephone support line (call 0808 168 9291) and online support for parents, professionals and young people who have witnessed crime. Victim Support also have live online chat: www.victimsupport.org.uk