Lambeth’s Older Men want the public to know enough is enough. They’ve been working on creating a men’s drama project for and about Lambeth’s over-50’s.
Minds and bodies
With acting boots and emotions they have been working their minds and bodies over the last two months with local arts Arts Development Practitioner and Consultant Trainer Tony Cealy to explore what has helped and what has harmed mental health and wellbeing in their own lives.
Stigma and support
Now, they have created an interactive theatre performance that engages the community to reduce stigma around mental health and to support wellbeing. The project has been supported by Age UK.
‘Staying Well’
Lambeth’s Older Men’s Drama Project have chosen ‘Staying Well as the theme and the title for their interactive drama and will be sharing their ‘lessons learned’ during Mental Health Awareness week 13- 19 May.
Performance dates
All the performances will be free in libraries across the borough as part of the Readers and Writers festival curated by Lambeth Libraries.
- Tuesday 14 May, 7pm. Brixton Library
- Friday 17 May, 3.30pm and 7pm West Norwood Library
- Saturday 18 May, 3.30pm Streatham Library
For more information
- The Older Men’s drama project aims to forge pathways for connection, support, wellbeing, and community for men 50+ who are experiencing loneliness and isolation due to mental health concerns. The project provides a dynamic, collaborative and co-creative space where men can talk about their lives, allowing for male stereotypes and mental health stigmas to be explored in a communal and supportive open forum. For more about Tony’s sessions see the Arts for Dementia web page
- Download a guide to all that’s happening in Lambeth’s Readers & Writers festival from the Council’s information pages