The proposals for Hitherfield school as a Core Centre and Streatham Hub as a Link Centre remain unchanged.
The new proposals are to have Sunnyhill as a Link Centre with Children’s Centre services at Woodmansterne ending from September.
The reason for these changes relates to the capital expansion work at Woodmansterne Primary School from two to four form as well as the development of a five form entry secondary school and sixth-form.
The impact of these two expansion programmes has led to the school having very limited space to deliver a Children’s Centre programme.
As Sunnyhill is a purpose-built Children’s Centre with good facilities, we suggest that this setting becomes a Link Centre as an alternative to Woodmansterne.
The consultation here gives you a chance to tell us what you think.
While this is not an easy decision, we believe that these proposals will ensure the best possible early year’s services for the highest number of children despite our financial challenge, and retain our commitment to giving every child in Lambeth the best start in life
How to respond:
We want to hear your views and you can share them with us by completing our online survey: Streatham Children’s centres consultation survey.
Or you can attend a meeting where you will be able to meet the team and discuss the proposals with us. Please see session details below:
Date: Thursday 6 June 2019
Time: 9.15am
Location: Woodmansterne Children’s Centre, Stockport Rd, SW16 5XE.
Date: Wednesday 19 June 2019
Time: 10am
Location: Sunnyhill Children’s Centre, Sunnyhill Road, SW16 2UW
Date: Thursday 20 June 2019
Time: 1.30pm
Location: Streatham Hub Children’s Centre, 388 Streatham High Road, SW16 6HX
The previous meeting was held on:
Date: Friday 17 May 2019
Time: 9am to 10.30am
Location: Woodmansterne Children’s Centre, Stockport Rd, SW16 5XE.
View the consultation on the Lambeth website: www.lambeth.gov.uk/streatham-childrens-centres