Lambeth Council sets out its vision to strengthen Streatham’s town centre

The Draft Streatham Investment and Growth Strategy sets out Lambeth council’s vision for strengthening and future-proofing Streatham’s Town Centre to 2030. The consultation runs from 27 June to 23 August 2019.

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Lambeth Council sets out its vision to strengthen Streatham’s town centre

Lambeth council is committed to ensuring Streatham thrives and grows as a major town centre, providing economic and social opportunities for its residents, businesses, workers and adjoining neighbourhoods.

What we propose to do

To help support the diversification of the centre, three of the actions proposed by the Draft Streatham Investment & Growth Strategy 2019-2030 are to review Streatham’s town centre and its two Primary Shopping Area boundaries.

The Strategy is set out in five parts, including a section setting out Streatham’s next ten years. This section is structured around five action areas, each establishing an objective and a set of actions that are laid out in detail in the final part of the document – delivering and measuring success.

Our key proposals include: 

  • Amending the town centre boundary to ensure it is fit for purpose.
  • Reducing the extent of the Streatham Hill primary shopping area to encourage a broader mix of uses whilst still maintaining a core of retail floorspace.
  • Maintaining the Streatham Central Primary Shopping Area as is to protect the core retail function of this area.

We’ve also included a map of the proposed town centre boundary amendments for you to take a look at.

The consultation period is open for six weeks. Once closed we will review all comments before updating and improving the Strategy.  The final updated strategy will then be published online.

Have your say

It’s important everyone has their say as it is a big part of the council’s decision making.

You can share your views with us at Have your say on the Draft Streatham Investment and Growth Strategy 2019-2030 Survey

Or check out the full consultation page:

Feedback on these proposed changes will inform the next version of the Revised Lambeth Local Plan (2018).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide feedback.