Highlights include a jam-packed Festival Fun Day, the return of the Streaham Strut live music event, and a whole host of theatre, music, art and more. The festival is a true celebration of Streatham, from Hill to Vale.
Eight days of celebration
The week opens with some fantastic events, including an afternoon of live music at Rookfest on Saturday 1 July. For the entire week, the Horse and Groom will play host to an art installation by local artist, Jiro, who launches his Streatham Sketchbook in line with the exhibition.
Theatre and music
Chaucer, Shakespeare and Star Wars are all making an appearance on the Festival stage this year. The final weekend will see crowds flock to Streatham High Road for both the Festival Fun Day on Streatham Green and the Strut in a range of venues Saturday evening. Look out for Ian Britt (a worldwide success on Spotify) in the Manor Arms and The Sicknotes at the Rebel Inn amongst others.
Something for everyone
Janet Leatherland, Chair of the Festival Board says:
“We want every section of the community to be represented and to find something that makes them say what an amazing place Streatham is. There are events indoors and outdoors: book talks, art installations in shops along the high road, school choirs and the ‘Women in War’ exhibition. Most events are free, so they’re as accessible as possible. The fun day on the Green will be so much more visible than ever before, slap bang in the middle of Streatham
A bigger umbrella
“It started as an arts festival and it’s grown to a community festival. It’s grown from a weekend to eight days. As soon as the festival board announce the dates, people ask to include events under our umbrella – like Rookfest who wanted to tie in their live music evening. We don’t have big names to attract people from across London, but we have as much local music as possible in different venues.
“Whatever your joy is, we want to tap into it and celebrate Streatham.”
For more details
For details of what’s on when and where, please visit the Streatham Festival website.
Many events are free, and all are welcome at Streatham’s biggest community festival.