Your street needs you!
If you live in Lambeth and want to improve your street and get to know your neighbours, why not become a Street Champion? We’re building on our existing community networks, such as Community Freshviews and Snow Wardens, to give a broader range of opportunities to get people involved in their neighbourhoods. Being a Street Champion means you receive support from us for all sorts of activities, from tackling issues such as litter and dog fouling, to organising street parties.
Allan is one of many who have already signed up.
Here’s Allan’s story:
The wider neighbourhood is changing dramatically with new buildings springing up around us, yet our immediate streets and buildings are looking a bit neglected. We love where we live, but it could be so much nicer with some planting and a bit of care and attention. In speaking to my neighbours it became apparent that a number of us felt the same way.
As an individual, making a positive change can seem overwhelming. Trying to contact local authorities can be difficult, but if we work together in our communities we can achieve real change. Even the grittiest urban street can be transformed with a bit of thought, effort and teamwork.
The Street Champions initiative makes the task so much easier by opening doors to the council and helping residents to make changes. Since joining the scheme we have worked with the local Tenants’ Management Organisation (TMO), had meetings with neighbours and won a grant from the Capital Clean-Up Campaign. We’re going to use the money to create a community garden which will be of benefit to the whole neighbourhood.
Find out more information
For more information on how you can get involved:
- please visit our Street Champions page for more information
- Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter using the hashtag #LambethSC
- sign up online to become a street champion
- e-mail us at streetchampions@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 3069.