Your street needs you!
If you live in Lambeth and want to improve your street and get to know your neighbours, why not become a Street Champion? We’re building on our existing community networks, such as Community Freshviews and Snow Wardens, to give a broader range of opportunities to get people involved in their neighbourhoods. Being a Street Champion means you receive support from us for all sorts of activities, from tackling issues such as litter and dog fouling, to organising street parties.
Claudette has already signed up as she wanted to tackle litter and traffic problems in her street. She’s already hosted meetings with neighbours to talk about how to deal with common problems.
Here’s Claudette’s story:
The reason why I felt the need to support the Street Champion Scheme was to bring some community spirit back into Trent road. It’s a lovely old Victorian street in Brixton and we have a really diverse mix of residents. Some of us, including me, have lived here for many years, and at least one was born in the house they live in. Unfortunately, the road has deteriorated of late due to litter and rubbish.
Change doesn’t happen by itself, and we can’t always leave it to other people. When I heard about the Street Champions project I felt that this was my cue to step forward and begin trying to bring about change myself. I quickly realised that I wasn’t the only one who wanted to get the road back to its former glory. I have invited my neighbours into my home for meetings and there are plenty of others who feel the same way.
I believe that bringing people together will bring many benefits for all residents, which is why I welcome the scheme and feel very happy to be a Street Champion. Working together to achieve change for our local environment and supporting the needs of Trent Road residents makes me feel like I am making an important contribution to my community.
Find out more information
For more information on how you can get involved:
- please visit our Street Champions page for more information
- Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter using the hashtag #LambethSC
- sign up online to become a street champion
- e-mail us at streetchampions@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 3069.