Lambeth council’s Street Champions scheme aims to support people who want to improve the physical and social environment where they live.
Street Champions can do a whole range of things to help their community, whether it’s organising street parties, increasing greenery, encouraging others to recycle properly or even just introducing neighbours to foster a greater sense of community.
Kellie is one of many who have already signed up.
Here’s Kellie’s story:
I believe that people who rent can play just as much of a role in their neighbourhood as people who own their own homes. I helped to organise a street party where I lived before; it was really successful and so I got a taste for helping my community. When I moved into my new flat I wanted to get to know my neighbours, so I ended up going door to door to drum up support for getting bike hangars in the road!
I think it helps to have a cause. The bike hangars are such a good idea anyway, but they also gave me a reason to go and introduce myself to everyone. Now I’ve got over 70 people on an email list, just from three streets, and some of them wanted to get more involved so they help me out. Coming from Australia and having no family here, it really helps to make me feel a sense of belonging that would be difficult to achieve any other way. We’ve created a little community garden already and have bigger plans for the future.
My advice to others? Even if you rent, you can still make the most of where you live for however long you’re there. You need to just get yourself out there. Most people are really nice and will appreciate the fact that you’ve gone out of your way to say hi, and to try and make your street a better place. Don’t be shy!
Find out more information
For more information on how you can get involved:
- please visit our Street Champions page for more information
- Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter using the hashtag #LambethSC
- sign up online to become a street champion
- e-mail us at streetchampions@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 3069.
- Find out more about our bike hangars and cycle parking scheme