If you are thinking about holding a Street Party this year then here is all the information you’ll need. Street Parties are a great way to meet your neighbours and Event Lambeth’s easy new guidance and application form should make it easier to book up than ever before.
Application dates
Please note that all application dates are at least one month before your party.
If the date for your party is between:
- 1 April – 30 April the last date for applications is 1 March
- 1 May – 31 May the last date for applications is 4 April
- 1 June – 31 August the last date for applications is 1 May
- 1 Sept – 30 Nov the last date for applications is 1 August
- 1 Dec – 30 March the last date for applications is 1 November
New – apply online
We had a lot of feedback last year that our application process was a bit cumbersome so we have created a new website page with all the information you need and link to other sites that will help you plan a safe and fun day. But most importantly we have created a new online application form specifically for Street Parties.
Extended deadline – Royal Wedding Street parties
We’ve extended the deadline for May street parties because of the announcement of the Royal Wedding in May. The deadline for May street parties is now 4 April to give you a bit more planning time.
Costs and no costs
Lambeth Council continues to support our local communities and the council does not charge any costs for your street party. There is a hire fee for the road signs and barriers as this service is provided by an external company.
Party or event? – ask us for advice
Street Parties are small local gatherings with no commercial activity and take place between 10am and 8pm. If you wish to add additional activity to your Street Party we will work with you on this but it would be considered a ‘Street Event’ and could incur costs. LambethEvents team manage street events and you can email events@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 6207