Charity Tavistock Relationships delivers free support in Lambeth to couples with children, living together or apart, and separated or divorced parents, to help with relationship pressures. The programme is now online in response to the pandemic.
Family fires
Psychological support during lockdown has a very positive impact on couples and children, according to research published by Nantong Municipal Health Committee. The report from China, ‘What to do when family fire ignites during epidemic’, shows many more parents asked for skilled support in recent months and it has helped them work together better, and enjoy family life more, making their children happier.
Past and present relationships
One Lambeth mother who completed a ‘Family Transitions Triple P’ training for separated parents, said “It’s helpful to seek information and have conversations outside your own family/ friends circle. The activities don’t only help with past relationships but also present. It helps you to be more mindful, take care and reflect on yourself.”
Relationships for stronger families
Sarah Ingram leads the ‘Building Relationships for Stronger Families’ programme for Tavistock Relationships and believes demand is likely to rise: “Lockdown has taken away our daily structure and routine and put families together with no separation, and no certainty as to when circumstances will change. Fracture lines are inevitable and the chance to work through problems outside the home has been taken away. Lots of parents find sharing space, chores, making time for themselves and each other very hard at the moment, and worry that children are noticing. Parenting can be tough at the best of times, but right now having the support of trained professionals can be really helpful for families.
Find support in Lambeth
Support around parenting and/or co-parenting relationships is available for anyone who is part of a Lambeth family and has parenting responsibilities. You don’t need to be parenting as a couple, and it is fine for either one or both parents to take part. Sign up at www.lambeth.gov.uk/parenting to find out more.