Lambeth investigators received an anonymous referral in May 2017 alleging that Da Silva was subletting her tenanted property and had been for at least two years.
Enquiries were carried out which identified two Italian females who appeared to be resident at the property.
Further enquiries indicated that Da Silva hadn’t been resident at the property since 2012, but was resident with her partner at an address in Merton.
After a lengthy investigation, which established that Da Silva was receiving rental payments of £1,000, increasing to £1,250 per month from her sub-tenants.
Civil proceedings were instigated resulting in a possession order being issued on September 23 2019, and the recovery of the property from Ms Da Silva.
Criminal proceedings were then initiated against Tania Da Silva and on May 21 this year.
She pleaded guilty at the Inner London Crown Court to offences under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act and the Fraud Act for subletting her council property.
Da Silva, of Bilton House, Wandsworth Road, was sentenced to 18 months in custody suspended for two years and was ordered to carry out sixty hours unpaid work.
Cllr Maria Kay, Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, said: “Lambeth has a social housing waiting list of more than 30,000 people and each night we support more than 2,700 families in temporary accommodation.
“Rather than give up the property when she moved out, this person was motivated by financial gain and committed a serious offence.
“The tireless work of our investigating officers shows Lambeth Council will not tolerate this behaviour and prosecute those who try to profit at other people’s expense.”