Returning the current one way road system to two way roads would reduce traffic dominance in the area. Improved crossings and public spaces would make it easier, safer and more welcoming for all those who live, work and travel through Vauxhall.
What are the main proposals?
- Removing the existing one-way road system around the transport interchange (Parry Street, Wandsworth Road, Kennington Lane, South Lambeth Road) and turning these into two way roads
- Providing more pedestrian crossings at the places where people want to cross to improve safety and connections throughout the area – to parks, open spaces, and the river
- Providing more segregated lanes, crossings and parking for cyclists
- Redesigning the public transport interchange, including a new central bus station
- Improving existing streets and pavements and providing better public open spaces
Why are TfL proposing these changes?
Vauxhall is dominated by traffic. The one way system can be difficult to navigate and the wide roads encourage high speeds, especially outside peak periods.
It is difficult and dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians, with some of the highest numbers of collisions involving injury to cyclists and pedestrians in London.
Vauxhall is changing and new developments will bring around 8,000 new jobs and 3,000 new homes to the area. The TfL proposals support our vision for Vauxhall as a thriving riverside town centre that the local community can enjoy with people moving into the area to live, work or visit. The Visioning Vauxhall document, developed with local people, brings these changes to life and helped shape the TfL proposals.
What about the bus stops and bus station?
Vauxhall bus station is used by 45,000 passengers daily and is an important transport interchange. Bus stop locations and the way buses travel through the bus station would need to change. You can see all proposed the new routes and bus stop locations in the current consultation.
Due to the new road layout, the existing location of the bus station would need to change and a new bus station will be designed. The designs will also look at how pedestrians, cycles and motor vehicles move around the area. Consultations on the proposals for new bus station will begin in 2016.
How can I have my say?
You can share your views on the TfL consultation website. The consultation closes on 17 January 2016.
There will also be three drop in sessions where you will have the opportunity to talk to members of the project team to find out more about these proposals. The sessions will take place at:
• Saturday 5 December 11am-4pm at Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre, SE11 5ES
• Tuesday 8 December 6-8pm at St. Peter’s Church, Vauxhall, SE11 4RZ
• Monday 14 December 11am-4pm at the Carmelita Centre, SE11 5JT
You can also send your views to:
Email: consultations@tfl.gov.uk (ref Vauxhall)
Tel: 0343 222 1155*
*Service and network charges may apply.