Issue 10 of theBALANCE looks at Lambeth’s business community and asks what more we can do to help local firms prosper – in all our interests.
The main story carries details of the 2015 Lambeth Business Survey, which paints an optimistic picture of trading in the borough, with many firms planning to grow and create more jobs.
The issue also covers the Council decision to keep the Lambeth Country Show going, while the continuing funding squeeze makes the annual Bonfire Night fireworks display unaffordable. Details of the moves to make Lambeth a 20mph zone – and to endorse the decision to redevelop the Cressingham Gardens estate – are also included.
On a lighter note, theBALANCE 10 asks the question “Can anything make Londoners happy?”, and tries to provide the answer with the help of a series of surveys.
theBALANCE is Lambeth’s enewsletter, dedicated to highlighting Council activities and campaigns – and how Lambeth works to spend every penny of its budget effectively.
The publication also seeks to get residents involved in discussing the many challenges facing the borough – including the Budget situation and it impact on services – and asks them to give their opinions through its active feedback network. theBALANCE also encourages residents to get involved in their local community, through volunteering and taking part in campaigns including “Do the Right Thing”.
theBALANCE is published every month.
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Feedback on this edition will be published here next month.