When Lambeth’s Neighbourhood Enhancement Project consulted residents about what improvements they would like to see in their streets more than 80% said they would like more trees.
The first tree planted
Council leader Lib Peck and Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Neighbourhoods, Cllr Jack Hopkins, joined School children from nearby St Stephen’s School to help plant the first tree of the new phase of the project in Heyford Avenue, Oval.
Cllr Hopkins said: “This is a wonderful project that will help make Lambeth a cleaner and greener place to live.
“Trees make a big difference to the urban environment – they provide a connection with nature and give people pride in their neighbourhood.”
What happens next
The street trees will be planted in Clapham, Coldharbour, Ferndale, Larkhall, Oval and Vassall over the coming months and will include Ornamental Plum and Pear, Birch and Indian Bean. The trees will increase canopy coverage, improve air quality and create green neighbourhoods, which are safe and friendly to live in and travel down.
Sharon Johnson, Chief Executive of Trees for Cities, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Lambeth. These trees will make a huge difference in Lambeth and in 20 years’ time the area will have an incredible urban green forest for local residents to be proud of.”