Thrale’s small grants programme 2016/17
Thrale Almshouses is a local charity with an annual programme of grants for projects to help local people – including housing, older people and overcoming exclusion.
Your group can apply for a grant this Autumn– there’s a simple application form on the website.
Who can get a grant?
In 2015, we gave more than £30,000 in grant funding to 10 projects, to benefit at least 650 people directly. We try to keep each individual grant within £5,000 so that we can benefit as many different partners as possible. Our target area is ‘the Ancient Parish of Streatham’ – including Balham, parts of Brixton, and Tulse Hill. Our vision is to help create sustainable communities that are comfortable to grow older in.
Where did last year’s grants go?
Examples of grants given in 2015/16 include:
- The Spires Centre, Streatham Rough Sleepers project.
- St Matthews Project training and sports used to prevent anti-social behaviour with young people in Balham, Brixton and Tulse Hill.
- Stockwell Good Neighbours and Clapham Park Project tackling older people’s loneliness in deprived areas (as shown in main picture).
- Mencap to fund a minibus and driver for adults with learning difficulties.
- The Nehemiah Project – funding one man to complete an intensive 1- week programme to bridge the gap between prison and positive independent living in the local community.
- The ‘Eat Well Spend Less’ project with Norwood and Brixton Foodbank
- You can find details of these schemes and more on Thrale’s website.
Where does the money come from?
The source of the money for the grants is two commercial properties in Tooting sold for a profit after 100 years – we hope we’re making the same kind of wise investment in the future with these grants for people and communities. We’re looking to help projects that are fully sustainable.
Who are Thrale Almshouses?
The charity can trace its roots back 4 centuries to the 1600s and the Thrale family’s tradition of good works. This includes providing housing for older people in Streatham in the Thrale Almshouses – originally designed in the 1930s but recently extended and brought totally up to date. They are registered as a charity at Thrale Almshouse and Relief in Need Charity (Charity No.225709)