If you’re a patient registered with a Lambeth GP, you can ask about a new weight management service provided by Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Trust. It might help you to better health.
Exercise and education
This high-quality, individualised service will include both practical sessions to increase physical activity levels and education to improve quality of diet and reduce energy intake. The combination will help users achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Ask your GP
If you want advice and support to eat better, be more physically active and maintain a healthy weight, you may be eligible. You will need to ask your GP to make a referral for a clinical assessment. You will be assessed on whether the programme is right for you based on your body mass index (BMI), any long-term health conditions, such as diabetes, that could impact on your diet or exercise plan, and your motivation to change and stick to the plan to find your healthy weight – and stay there.
Healthy nutrition and exercise
Since the service started in April 2019 over 50 participants have enrolled. One client accessing the service said “I really enjoyed the nutrition sessions and now manage my portions better. I am eating healthier, I’ve lost weight and I have continued with my exercise regime.”
For more information
For more information and support on physical activity, healthy eating and a whole range of other health behaviours please visit Public Health’s ‘your health’ web pages