If you smoke, the best thing for your health is to quit – today. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve smoked, or how many cigarettes, stopping now equals immediate health benefits.
Smoking doesn’t combat stress
In this pandemic, people are stressed. It’s a common misconception that a cigarette helps. In fact, smoking can actually increase stress and anxiety – each time you inhale on a cigarette it makes your heart beat faster and reduces oxygen in your brain and body, straining your respiratory system. Nicotine might give instant relief but you’ll get stuck in a circle of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The trick is to learn how to break the habit cycle.
Managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms
- Nicotine replacement
One of the hardest parts of quitting is managing nicotine cravings. Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) like patches, tablets/gum, or an inhalator provide a low level of nicotine, replacing cigarettes. Many ex-smokers say using two NRTs – eg a patch and one other) really works. You can buy NRT online from pharmacies and supermarkets for home delivery.
- Switch to e-cigarettes
E-cigarettes (vaping) means you inhale vapour, not smoke -a cleaner and safer nicotine hit than cigarettes. By switching to e-cigs you’re greatly reducing harmful chemicals going into your body. You can buy them from online vape stores for home delivery. Find a supplier and more information
Don’t go it alone – get support over the phone
You’re much more likely to quit with help. Londoners can safely stay home and phone specialist health advisers on the Stop Smoking London helpline 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 11am to 4pm on weekends – 0300 123 1044. who can help you to make today your time to quit. Or call and request a call back here. In Lambeth, a specialist Stop Smoking service run by Guys and St Thomas is operating during this crisis, offering digital support via telephone and access to medication and/or NRT from local pharmacies. visit the GSTT Stop Smoking Service for more information
Sign up for motivational support by text
Receive motivational text messages – daily facts, tips and support throughout your stop smoking journey.
Tips, advice and support to quit smoking in Lambeth
Lambeth signed up to the Stop Smoking London [programme where you can learn more via a blog, download apps, find how to combat your smoking triggers and calculate money-saving when you quit. Visit www.stopsmokinglondon.com.