Time to Talk Day – join Lambeth in talking about changing lives

31 January 2020

Written by: Lambeth Council

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Time to Talk Day is about finding ways to have conversations about mental health and how we feel.

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Time to Talk Day – join Lambeth in talking about changing lives

As a Time to Change employer, Lambeth is proud to support Time to Talk Day, Thursday 6 February. It means people working here are getting proactive about mental health and choosing to take away the stigma of talking about it.

Easy to talk

Council staff – 40% of them Lambeth residents  – are working with others, especially health partners, campaigning to make it easier to have conversations about how we feel. We hope Lambeth employers join in and help raise the mental wellbeing of the whole borough.

Icebreakers and kickstarters

'would you rather' poster for Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk workplace materials free download

Even though mental health problems affect one in four of us, too many people feel ashamed of being unwell. Too many feel alone and embarrassed to say if they’re coping with life’s stresses and pressures. The Time to Talk Day website includes icebreakers and ideas to make conversation easier.

On the day

Lambeth conversation starters include:

  • Coffee roulette – People from different departments pair up to talk about mental health questions or experiences – over a cuppa.
  • Human books – If you don’t know where to start a mental health conversation, the human library lends you (instead of a book) someone to talk to in a safe space.
  • No email half day. Every member of staff will take part – trying to break the habit of email, remining ourselves that talking is good! People emailing in will get a bounceback explaining we’re offline to combat mental health stigma, and recommending you phone instead. (We’ll answer emails next day).

Choose to talk

We’re doing it to show that it can be done, that ordinary people can have important conversations about mental health. We’d love it if people all over Lambeth join in. See the trailer and the free downloadable materials.

Zero suicide alliance training

Time to Talk day is a great opportunity to remind everyone about free, online training to help you recognise signs that someone might feel like ending their life and how absolutely anyone can help.  London’s Mayor wants 100,000 Londoners to take this 20-minute course before September. We want 6,000 of them to be in Lambeth. This training helps you be able to speak out in a supportive manner and signpost someone to support services. Save a life, take the training.