In the midst of chaos, heartbreak and ongoing challenges, it is with hope for global awareness that this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOBiT) can continue to provide inspiration. The theme for this year’s IDAHOBiT is “Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing!” – chosen in the context of the events and struggles of the past year’s pandemic. The global pandemic is far from over and will have a long-lasting impact on social activism and the fight for equal rights.
IDAHOBiT was created in 2004 to bring attention to ongoing violence towards the LGBTQ+ community. May 17 was agreed as its global day, to recognise the date in 1990 the World Health Organization declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. It’s celebrated in over 130 countries, even some that still criminalise the LGBTQ+ community.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “The challenges of the global pandemic have reminded us all, the value and importance ofcommunities in our lives, that respect and inclusion is who we are as human beings.“
Lambeth supports IDAHOBiT
Lambeth Council and our LGBTQ+ Staff Forum are proud to support this important event. The council and forum are working together to ensure that the council is an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace and that our services are accessible and take account of the diverse needs of our LGBTQ+ community, possibly the largest in the UK. The council recognises that there are still issues with some LGBTQ+ staff feeling confident to disclose and more needs to be done to ensure all staff feel valued and respected regardless of their sexuality or how they define their gender.
More Information
For news of events, campaigning, and information from around the world to celebrate May 17 and gender diversity, see the IDAHOBiT website