A group of local charities working together to help some of Lambeth’s most vulnerable residents: Age UK Lambeth, Disability Advice Service Lambeth (including the Royal Association for the Deaf), Lambeth Mencap and Help For Carers.
Together they provide a range of services supporting people aged over 55, people living with disabilities, people living with mental health issues and carers of all ages.
Support includes information and advice helplines, advocacy for people in difficulty, assistance in filling forms and claiming a full entitlement of benefits, a befriending service and community development.
The Independent Living and Carers’ Partnership is also one of the best places in Lambeth to volunteer, with a range of opportunities on offer for people to give back to the community and gain valuable new experience.
Find and follow ILCP on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lambeth_ILCP
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LambethILCP/