Did you know that 93% of Lambeth’s domestic food spend goes to the big supermarkets?
If we could spend just 10% of this with local independent food businesses we would more than double the entire turn-over of the local food economy.More jobs created, more money staying local, more resilience, more diversity…
Local Enterprise Uprise
Transition Town Brixton (TTB) is hosting the LOCAL ENTERPRISE UPRISE, 6-9pm on Wednesday 10 September at the fabulous impact Hub Brixton in the basement of Lambeth Town Hall.
It will be an occasion for the amazing projects and enterprises that are pioneering the way towards a resilient new local economy in Brixton and Lambeth, to update, share and plan to be ‘more than the sum of their parts’.
Think Brixton Pound, Remakery Brixton, Brixton Energy, Makerhood, Local Greens… There are great training and business mentoring projects too, such as Tree Shepherd, Create Lambeth and One Planet Ventures.
This event is the first step towards the LOCAL ENTREPRENEUR FORUM which will be held in May 2015. This will bring entrepreneurs, investors, and other change makers together and local entrepreneurs will pitch to a Community of Dragons (i.e. everyone) to get investment and in kind support.
For more information about the Lambeth Entrepreneur Forum visit the TTB website
About Transition Town Brixton
Transition Towns is a global movement that aims to prepare local communities for the dual challenges of climate change and end of cheap oil. Importantly, the Transition Town movement isn’t all about doom and gloom and believes that life without oil could in fact be far more enjoyable and fulfilling than it is now.
Transition Town Brixton believes we have an opportunity to rethink the way we do everything, to reconnect with our planet and our community. We know that the world is changing and we think that it is better to design our future to take that change into account, reduce its impact and make it beneficial rather than wait to be surprised by it.
We’re developing a vision of a better low-energy/carbon future for Brixton, plan how to get there and make it happen. When we look at the success of the Brixton Pound, about to celebrate its fifth birthday, Brixton Energy and Makerhood, this begins to seem achievable.
Do you want to come to Local Enterprise Uprise?
This free event is part of an ongoing exploration of how we can develop a really interconnected local economy that supplies real local needs and brings real benefits of increased employment per unit traded, increased community investment, more resilience, commitment and cohesion. We all benefit!
The evening programme for LOCAL ENTERPRISE UPRISE will be:
- 6-7pm set-up, food and networking
- 7-8pm 3 minute presentations from projects followed by a short ‘pledge session’ where you can offer support or collaboration to other projects
- 8-9pm a quick and dirty ‘open space’ session where self-convened small groups discuss what you feel needs discussing – and networking. (TTB will definitely be convening a group around making the Local Entrepreneur Forum a success.)
Everyone is welcome.
TTB is particularly looking to hear from businesses (or start-ups) that contribute to the Transition aim of pioneering a future that is more interconnected, resilient, re-localised and less dependent on cheap fossil energy.
The event is FREE but space is limited so book online here
More information about the event is available on the TTB website here
[…] Town Hall on 10 September. The revolution won’t always be planned, but the organisers of the Local Enterprise Uprise have set a prompt 6pm start time for this evening of revolutionary […]