Lambeth is part of an innovative EU-funded project designed to tackle food waste through:
- Reducing food waste
- Promoting healthy eating, food-buying and preparation habits
- Recycling unavoidable food waste
As part of this campaign (‘TRiFOCAL’ – Transforming City Food Habits for Life), Veolia will produce cooking/kitchen skills videos about using up leftover ingredients, and keep food from going off. People aged 18-34 waste a third more food than those aged 65+. Our campaign aims to help them learn how the more mature generation has mastered the art of ‘waste not, want not’.
How you can help
1. Send us a recipe
We’re looking for delicious, healthy recipes which prevent food waste or use up leftovers. Shepherd’s pie using leftover roast lamb, banana bread with browning bananas, or a good old-fashioned stock making the most out of whatever’s in the fridge. Please email your recipe with a photo of the dish, if possible. Chosen recipes will feature in a cookery book, or be showcased in a video.
2. Star in a video
We want to film senior members of our community (age 65+) teaching recipes and food-saving kitchen skills to the 18-34 age group. If you’re confident in front of a camera and would like to help reduce food waste, we’d love to hear from you.
The videos will be shared on social media – Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
3. Lend us your kitchen
Finally, we’re looking for bright, spacious kitchens with good, natural light to film in. If you wouldn’t mind your kitchen becoming a TV studio (and video star) for a couple of hours, please email.
Bigger than London!
Over half the 900,000 tonnes of food thrown away in London each year is perfectly edible. Wasting it makes no sense either environmentally or economically. The TRiFOCAL project will test ideas that could be rolled out in cities all over Europe, and it’s great to have this opportunity to make a contribution to such an important cause.
Contact us – deadline end of the month!
All recipes need to be sent to us at streetchampions@lambeth.gov.uk by Saturday 30 September, with filming early October.
The project is funded by EU life.