The Summer Fair has become a very popular event over the years and this year we are delighted that Mark Hill, the renowned antiques expert from BBC’s Antiques Road Show will be judging our Dog Show! He will be looking for the waggiest tail, handsomest dog, the best trick and cutest puppy amongst other things. We hope many of our four legged friends will come along to join in the fun.
There will bouncy castles, donkey rides, punch and judy, go karts, crazy golf and children s games galore.
We are also delighted that Counter – the new brasserie at Vauxhall will be putting on a Pimms Bar and a delicious BBQ for the not so young. Valentinos Jazz band will make the afternoon go with a swing and Vauxhall Voices community Choir will perform accapella on Parco Café’s terrace. There will lots of stall including plants donated by New Covent Garden Market – come and be entertained!
Plans for our new playground
At this year’s fair, we will also be presenting the plans for our new playground so people, especially children, can comment. We have a fantastic opportunity to deliver a really special playground and hope to have lots of feedback on our ideas!