Every year, the Walcot Foundation give out grants totalling £2 million in Lambeth. Through grantmaking, we help to create opportunities and possibilities. We are Lambeth’s principal independent funder and our focus is on low-income residents
Help us review what we fund
Every three years we review our Governor Priorities which guide the type of projects that we fund. We’re asking people in Lambeth to help guide this review through completing a short online survey on what Lambeth-based people/organisations think we should focus on in the future.
Current Grantmaking priorities
Have your say on whether these should be updated:
Removing Barriers in Education
- Developing resilience and well-being
- Promoting effective parental engagement in child’s education
- Student (re) engagement with school
Maximising Learning
- Mastering literacy and numeracy, particularly for students in KS2-4 (ages 7-16)
- Enrichment opportunities that inspire learning for school pupils
Building Employability
- Grants, bursaries, scholarships to support 18+ learning (through Grants to Individuals)
- Enabling NEETS (Not in Employment, Education or Training) aged under 30 to gain soft skills and qualifications to find employment, especially in roles/industries that are likely to lead to progression and better paid employment
- Careers advice in schools for low income pupils
- Moving from low paid to better paid work
Developing Money Sense
- Improving money/credit management and avoiding debt
- Effective debt counselling
For more information
- Complete the survey online
- The survey will only take you about 5 to 10 minutes .
- It will run until 8 July 2019.
- We will publish the new Governor Priorities on our website in January 2020 and use them to guide our grant-making from April 2020.
We’re especially interested to hear from our partners: current and former grantees; Lambeth schools and organisations; those with knowledge of Lambeth and an interest in our work. All submissions will be considered.
Our charitable objects require that ALL our funding is focused on Lambeth beneficiaries and 85% needs to be focused on education/training for under 30s.