Did you also know that Lambeth’s garden waste collection service is much cheaper than booking a private contractor? We can collect your garden waste from less than 70p per bag!
You don’t even need to book – just leave your bags next to your bins on collection day.
What happens to garden waste?
After your garden waste is collected, it’s taken to an ‘in-vessel composting’ (IVC) facility. It’s then shredded before being loaded into large concrete tunnels. Micro-organisms that are already present in the waste begin the composting process, raising the temperature to 65oC. This temperature is maintained for at least 48 hours to ensure weed seeds and pathogens are killed. The process is repeated, and the resulting nutrient-rich soil improver is used in parks and gardens all over the UK. It’s the circular economy in action!
How much does garden waste collection cost?
Subscription to our weekly garden waste collection service costs just £60 for 12 months. This cost covers the collection of up to two reusable garden waste bags per week. You will need to purchase the reusable bags separately, priced at £6 each. If you need more than two bags collected each week you can add this to your subscription at a cost of £16 extra per bag for the whole year.
What if I need more than two garden waste bags?
Some weeks you might spend more time in the garden, producing more garden waste than the usual two bags. You can buy a pack of 10 single use compostable bags for just £16.50. These additional bags can be put out for collection alongside your reusable garden waste bags with no change to your annual subscription.
What happens to my subscription if I move home?
If you move within Lambeth during the course of your subscription, you can transfer the service to your new address.
How to apply
The quickest and easiest way to sign up is online via the waste and recycling pages on the Lambeth Council website.
If you are unable to sign up online and can’t get help from a friend or relative to do so, please call the Lambeth Contact Centre on 020 7926 0489 for assistance.
You can sign up at any point in the year and get a full 12 months’ garden waste collection service.
Visit our website for more information about garden waste.