Lambeth Wellbeing Fund is looking for projects led by local residents creating their own solutions to improving the health and wellbeing of people in their communities. You can apply for up to £5,000 tor a project. This is the Fund’s third year, thanks to a continued partnership with NHS Lambeth, Lambeth Public Health Directorate and Lambeth Council.
Funding sources
£60,000 comes from Project Smith for projects:
- Supporting older residents in 11 specified wards, these are Vassal, Coldharbour, Gipsy Hill, Stockwell, Ferndale, Larkhall, Thornton, Streatham Hill, St Leonards, Streatham Wells and Streatham South led by the communities who benefit
- Improving mental wellbeing; and/or
- Working with men, people with dementia or carers.
A further £18,000 is available for projects across the borough, with a particular focus on improving mental wellbeing for all ages.
Residents’ priorities
Projects must address at least one of three priorities identified by residents in the Big Lambeth Health Debate
- Help people to manage their own health (or condition). This includes access to information and support to stay healthy;
- Help people to avoid a crisis, or to limit the impact of a crisis (particularly for people living independently);
- Help people feel part of a community. Loneliness and isolation can contribute to poor physical and mental health – and the reverse, social connections help people overcome health problems.
Wheel of wellbeing
We’re looking to fund projects that address “the Wheel of Wellbeing”. The six spokes of the wheel are simple things individuals can do everyday – Be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Connect, Take Notice, and Care.
How to apply
Go to the Lambeth Wellbeing Fund online application form and click the ‘Apply’ buttons at the top right. The online application form guidelines are there to help you. Deadline for all applications is 5pm 26 October 2018.
Grants between £1,000 and £5,000 are available for projects of up to 12 months starting no earlier than January 2019 and ending no later than 31 March 2020. Any management costs for nurture organisations must be included in the requested amount.
More information
- To discuss any element of the fund or your application please contact Project Smith Programme Manager, David Goslyn, on 07540 095 696 or by email. Alternatively please contact Deborah Brodie from the London Community Foundation on 020 7582 5117 or email
- Read or download guidelines on our information pages
- For more about the Wheel of Wellbeing please visit this webpage