Save time and do it online!
Why not sign up to MyLambeth? The online tool allows you to do loads of things, including pay your council tax, order garden waste bags, manage your library account and book appointments, either from the comfort of your own home or on the move, day and night 24/7. New services are being added all the time.
Anyone can have a MyLambeth account – whether you’re a resident, business, landlord or tenant and it’s quick and easy to sign up, just go to http://mylambeth.gov.uk to register securely. If you are visiting one of our customer centres, then one of our friendly Digi-buddies can sign up on the spot and help you with this and any other online service available.
Get an update about Your New Town Hall
We are dramatically reducing the number of core office buildings we run from 14 to just two. With fewer, more efficient buildings we will save at least £4.5 million a year in running costs – that’s the equivalent of a £15 a year saving for every Lambeth resident.
Your New Town Hall (which involved resident, businesses and community groups in the design process), will include new homes, new jobs and new offices for businesses and the community, along with fit for purpose offices which will improve the services that Lambeth residents use. It’s due to be finished in Winter 17/18.
The development will pay for itself and will not cost Lambeth tax payers anything.
If you’re in Olive Morris House this week, be sure to take a look at our informative display to find out more.
Tell us what you think
We are always looking to improve our services so why not tell us what you think during Customer Service Week. If you are in Olive Morris House, be sure to complete our survey about how we can improve our services, and pop it in our suggestion box. We really want to know what you think.