The Brixton Pound has been working to strengthen the local economy since 2009, and it’s about to get even better! Brixton Bonus gives you the chance to win B£1000 pounds (that’s a ‘Brixton Grand’!) to spend as you wish around the Town Centre. The inaugural draw also includes 11 excellent runners-up prizes from Brixton’s famous independent businesses.
The whole idea is that it is, genuinely, a bonus for Brixton:
- First off, this is the first community prize draw to operate in a local currency. Another first for Brixton and its famous pound: check.
- Second, the Bonus co-exists with its twin-sibling, the Brixton Fund, into which revenue from the Bonus will accumulate. The Brixton Fund is a new micro-grants scheme for Brixton with a mandate to provide accessible financial support for local projects addressing local employment, social justice or creating community benefit. Check.
- Third, the Bonus will provide some regular income for the Brixton Pound itself, contributing to a more sustainable financial model and allowing us to continue our work supporting local independent businesses, strengthening community and challenging the financial status quo. Check.
- Fourth, remember that prize money you or your mates won? Well, that’s an extra B£1000 into Brixton’s local economy. Check.
So whether you’re the lucky winner or not – it’s a win for Brixton, every time!
To enter, please visit www.brixtonpound.org/brixton-bonus. And of course we heartily encourage you to set yourself up with a regular monthly entry to keep your chances of winning up all year round – that can be done by buying Bonus tickets from within your online B£ account – if you don’t have one yet, use the stunningly simple form on www.brixtonpound.org/brixton-bonus to buy your first Bonus tickets and become a B£ member – all at once!
The first draw will take place on Sunday 19 July at the Lambeth Country Show on the main stage (but don’t worry, you don’t have to be there to find out if you’ve won).
If you have any queries regarding the Brixton Bonus or Brixton Fund please email bonus@brixtonpound.org.