Women Worldwide Active is a social enterprise that was launched in May 2016 to empower women through creativity, knowledge, and skills via programmes that teach unemployed, low income women and other women who wish to take part, to make artisan products.
Women join the network for an opportunity to change the course of their lives and a fresh start; lives that have been affected by extremely life challenging situations. Their backgrounds are diverse – but they all have one thing in common – they all want a better future.
Women Worldwide Active teach a craft, which creates products and purpose. The products are made available on BackHER Crowdfund platform BackHer launched in May 2016 is a Social Impact Movement & Collaborative of volunteers and organisations. Empowering women, men and children through Transformative Coaching, Music, Performing arts, Poetry, Photography, Film and participatory art installations (and so much more) by creating a platform for expression and development.
Both are run by citizen volunteers.
100% of funds go towards running the programme.
Meet them on Sunday 22 January 12 noon, in the Pop Box at Pop Brixton.
Headline Artist: Yasmin Kadi
“London’s Best New Music” BBC Introducing:
Supporting Artists: Riyaad Sayed, Phattlady, Dan Defeo ft Kate B,
WWA Next Gen
Poetry: Dorothy Oger, TEDx Brussels “We Stand for Love” went viral after the Brussels terrorist attacks and translated into over 50 languages
Kavitha Chahel, Amazon Trending Author of “Compassionism”