Workwise is a partnership between Lambeth Housing Services and homelessness prevention charity St Mungo’s.
In its first year, Workwise worked with tenants affected by the ‘Bedroom Tax, supporting residents to boost their employability or earnings potential’. In its second year, the team expanded their area of responsibility to work with people affected by the introduction of Universal Credit. and are preparing to help people affected by the Benefit Cap late in 2016. Many tenants referred to Workwise have had rent arrears problems since Welfare Reform. Some have faced pre-eviction or eviction panels or even court proceedings. Others are staying on top of their rent but still desperately struggling financially. But 100% have maintained their tenancies.
Targets met over 100% ?
Workwise initially aimed to work with 150 tenants in 12 months. However, demand for employment support has been high and the team had 131 clients in 6 months.
Working one to one with advisers led to:
- 193 sessions on CV preparation, interview techniques, application forms, presentations, etc
- foundation skills sessions for 33 tenants.
- 65 tenants attended basic skills sessions in ICT, literacy or numeracy skills.
- 209 referrals were made to employment, education, volunteering or advice opportunities.
- 65 tenants secured full-time work
- 7 secured part-time work
- 72 tenants receiving in work support
- 6 work placements gained
- 36 places gained on education and training courses
- 23 qualifications recorded as achieved so far
- 28 volunteering positions gained
The Workwise team 6 month report (May-Oct 2016) and findings from employment support for tenants affected by Welfare Reform in Lambeth.
If you’re concerned about the impact of benefit changes, please contact the Welfare Reform Team
- Call: 020 7926 6399
- Email: CITenquiries@lambeth.gov.uk
- In person: at one of our rent surgeries
- For a copy of the Report Workwise 6 month report 2016-17.pdf [pdf] 1MB