As part of World Autism Awareness Week, which runs from 27 March to 2 April, Lambeth Council is putting on a day of events to help to raise awareness and to improve the understanding of autism.
Held at we are 336 on Tuesday 28 March from 10:30am to 2:30pm, the day will feature short presentations from organisations such as Achieving with Autism, guest speakers such as the comedian (and father of a son with autism) John Williams as well as networking opportunities with parents, professionals and support groups.
Everybody is welcome and all you need to do is contact Malvina Edwards-Drayton either by email at medwardsdrayton@lambeth.gov.uk or by telephone on 07720 829 408 to confirm that you will be attending.
Events throughout the week
There will also be other events across the borough as part of World Autism Awareness Week:
Monday 27 March
A public information stand outside Clapham Library during opening hours where people can pick up information on autism.
Address: Clapham Library, Mary Seacole Centre, 91 Clapham High Street, SW4 7DB contact: Claphamlibrary@lambeth.gov.uk
Tuesday 28 March
Lambeth College Autism Awareness Week stand and homemade cake sale from 11am to 1pm
Address: Reception, Lambeth College, 45 Clapham Common Southside, SW4 9BL. Contact: etherline.joseph@thecamdensociety.co.uk (The Camden Society)
An interactive story session about Kofi the spider! With the use of a multi-sensory story collection, you and your child can enjoy this session about Kofi the spider. Spaces are limited to 10 children so please book via the methods below or in person at the library. The session will run from 2pm to 3pm.
Address: Clapham Library, Mary Seacole Centre, 91 Clapham High St, SW4 7DB. Contact: claphamlibrary@lambeth.gov.uk or telephone 020 7926 1104