Myatt’s Fields Park has secured five years’ funding for its community greenhouse with an award of £249,200 from City Bridge Trust.
Community gardening
A community gardener will use the greenhouse three days a week to supply plants for the park and community food growing projects throughout Vassall and Coldharbour wards. People can come together for weekly sessions of growing sessions and sharing skills.
A volunteer coordinator will support volunteers with services and training. Support for people with additional needs will be available during greenhouse sessions. The coordinator will also support five local projects – eg schools and estate projects – each year – for example.
Local people will cook a weekly community meal using greenhouse produce that will be free for all to attend, and monthly trips to explore gardens throughout London.
Come together around growing food
Marjorie Landels, chair of Myatt’s Fields Park Project (MFPP), said: “With previous funding, we supported 20 local growing projects and grew a huge variety of food that was used by local cooks. We look forward to seeing the greenhouse flourish again, showcasing our rich local food culture. We look forward to supporting people to create new prosperity and a stronger voice as they come together around food. This will allow us to make the park more beautiful, invest in local people and bring the community together.”
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Sonia Winifred, Lambeth Council, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, said: “It’s so inspiring to see one of Lambeth’s parks taking a lead on bringing the community together with simple and essential things like food, growing and we hope they’ll continue to spread the message far and wide.”
For more information
- City Bridge Trust is London’s largest independent grant giver, making grants of £20 million a year to tackle disadvantage across the capital.
- Myatt’s Fields Park Project is an incorporated charity. We acknowledge that we are part of a neighbourhood; we value the diversity of our community and the richness of skills and experience that represents. While Lambeth Council looks after maintenance of the park, MFPP:
- employs park workers and provide a point of contact for the public
- runs extra litter collecting and planting events
- raises income for the park
- offers space and support for activities in the park
- offers routes to work through training and enterprise support
- runs community events and activities with a focus on food and music.
- aims to improve the local environment in this densely urban environment with more food growing and horticultural projects that improve people’s access to food and nature and that celebrate local heritage.
Contact community@myattsfieldspark.info or sign up to receive information at www.myattsfieldspark.info