Hoarding is now going up in front of Hambrook House and Town Hall Parade on Brixton Hill and Ivor House on Acre Lane in preparation for demolition work. Scaffolding will be erected and covered with safety sheeting to prevent dust and debris. For now people can continue to use the cycle route from Brixton Hill into Porden Road and access Buckner Road from Acre Lane.
As the work intensifies the hoarding will need to be extended. By April we expect Buckner Road will be completely closed for public access and Porden Road will become a two way cul-de-sac. This also means the cycle route through Porden Road onto Brixton Hill will close.
Exhibition space
Space on the hoardings outside Town Hall Parade has been reserved for public exhibition space.
The first exhibition will be looking at the role of the town hall in local life and social history and we have been asking people to contribute their own memories and memorabilia.
We are also preparing for a school arts project and have issued a brief for local organisations wishing to be considered for this piece of work. The deadline for responses is Wednesday 3 February 2016.
Construction plan
Muse’s consultation on their construction management plan closed in December 2015 and they will be publishing the final plan shortly. We’ll keep you updated on that, potential disruption and how the works are progressing.
For information about Your New Town Hall:
- visit the Future Brixton site futurebrixton.org/YNTH
- visit Muse’s yournewtownhall.org