With the older population of Lambeth increasing, it is important to ensure our borough is a place that meets the needs of us all as we age.
Making Lambeth an Age Friendly borough
An age-friendly borough is one where all people can live healthy and active later lives; where the environment, activities and services in the borough will enable older people to enjoy life, participate in society and be valued for their contribution. To achieve this, we will focus on the key areas of community life to build our age friendly framework: streets, outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, social participation and inclusion, civic participation and employment, community support and health services, and communication and information. We are committed to listening to and working with our older residents and local voluntary and community organisations to develop shared priorities for the future.
First Forum
On Tuesday 27 February Lambeth held our first Age Friendly Forum at Brixton House. We had a great turn out with around 50 attendees made up of older residents and VCS organisations attending the session at Brixton House.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Marcia Cameron, Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities and lead for Age Friendly Lambeth opened the session and welcomed everyone to the event, saying:
“I am passionate about Age Friendly Lambeth and I want to see a Lambeth where growing old is a good place to be where resident can age well whilst living an independent and vibrant life as much as we can support them to do so. But we cannot shape an Age Friendly future Lambeth on our own we need your help, your expertise, lived experience and wisdom so that the Age Friendly Action Plan can be co-produce together. which is why we are holding these Forums.”
Wealth of experience
During the session, attendees discussed the key values and principles that will underscore how they’d like to engage with and help shape the Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan development. There was a wealth of experience of living in Lambeth in the room and it was great to hear and learn more from attendees on what matters to them. Looking ahead to future Age Friendly Forums, Lambeth Council will embed these identified priorities of inclusivity, diversity, respect, collaboration and fun into sessions.
Help shape the plan
We’d really like to hear from more residents on their perspectives to help us shape Age Friendly Lambeth. If you’d like to share your views by email, by joining the forum or even just a one-off attendance, we are flexible with how you’d like to engage. If you would like to find out more visit our webpage or email age.friendly@lambeth.gov.uk