What is the annual canvass?
Every year, by law, we are required to contact every household in Lambeth to check who is eligible to register to vote.
To do this, during September we shall be sending every residential property in Lambeth a Household Enquiry Form (HEF) so that you can check the details held for your address.
Please check that your details are correct
When you receive your Household Enquiry Form, please respond as soon as possible.
The quickest and easiest way to provide this information
is online at householdresponse.com/lambeth
You will need the security code printed on the form and your postcode.
It is a legal requirement for residents to confirm details relating to their property and a response is required even if the details listed are correct.
What happens if I don’t respond?
If you lose the form or forget to respond, we will send you a reminder letter.
If we do not receive a response to the initial request or reminder, a canvasser will visit your property in the autumn to assist with completing the form. If you are not home when they call, they will leave a calling card detailing their visit. Canvassers will have a Lambeth ID badge and letter of authorisation.
Need help?
If you need any help understanding or completing the form, or if you need this form in large print or another format, please contact us on 020 7926 2254 or email us at electoralservices@lambeth.gov.uk.
We filled ours in online and now have had visits from canvassers who don’t ring the bell and just leave cards threatening £1000 fines. Not impressed. Particularly as the cards don’t leave any contact details or tell us how to let anyone know that we have filled it in.
Please contact the electoral services team so they can ensure your response was received.
Your link to respond does not work!!!
Apologies, there seems to have been an issue with some web browsers, it should work now so please try again.