Saving social housing: New report sets out need for urgent action A new report called Securing the Future of Council Housing set out how to fix the country's broken social housing system
Lambeth: New ‘No Need To Stress, Your Black Bin Needs Less’ campaign to boost recycling ‘No Need To Stress, Your Black Bin Needs Less’ features practical, interactive information on how to recycle more, as well as mobile phone game, the Recycle Rumble
New chapter for Brixton Library Brixton Library is now fully re-opened following a £1million overhaul to make it both better and more accessible
Opportunity knocks for Lambeth resident Queen Appiah-Mills has landed a fulltime job and new career after completing a council initiated work experience placement
Lambeth consulting on new planning controls on HMOs in Streatham after concerns raised The council is consulting on planning controls on new small houses in multiple occupation in two Streatham wards
Lambeth: Celebrating adult learners with new exhibition The exhibitions feature artwork by talented locals who have completed Lambeth Adult Learning courses as part of the STEP-UP programme
Lambeth: Celebrating adult learners achievements The event put on by the council’s Lambeth Adult Learning service which provides education and training opportunities for over-19s
Brockwell Park set for summer Brockwell Park is fully open for the school holidays and extra improvement works are planned