Come to our free business events
Our range of free supply chain programmes are for Lambeth businesses of all sizes, sectors and turnovers and can help you learn what you need to know to win contracts and make the most of business opportunities in the area.
By attending, you’ll gain a better understanding of what makes a winning bid and will be more confident submitting tenders.
Tom Lancefield, Business Manager at Delphis Eco, a Leading British manufacturer of ecological cleaning products says:
“The Supply Nine Elms programme has been of real benefit to Delphis Eco and we would not hesitate to recommend it to any business in the area. The opportunity to meet and network with influential decision makers from large organisations has really opened up doors for us. As well as winning new business we have become known to organisations that we may not have otherwise. In short the Supply Nine Elms programme is critical to us.”
2015 is gearing up to be an opportune year for Lambeth businesses, so look out for networking sessions, meet ups, workshops and meet the buyer events to make sure you secure that contract.
In January and February, we’ll be running the following supply chain events in partnership with South London Procurement Network:
Access new markets in the food and hospitality sector
Find out about live contractual opportunities and hear how others bid and win contracts in this sector.
When: 19 January – 8.30am to 10.30am,
Where: Lambeth College, Clapham Campus, 45 Clapham Common South Side, SW4 9BLWhat do buyers want?
Hear from procurement specialists about what you need to do to win that contract.
When: 12 February – 9am to 3pm,
Where: The Oval, Kennington, London, SE11 5SSRegister to attend
To attend the above events, contact SLPN on 0207 902 1171 or info@slpn.org.uk
For more information about business events and services in Lambeth
Email: enterprise@lambeth.gov.uk