We are currently considering our plans and priorities for economic growth in the borough. This will include the number of jobs that we want to see created in Lambeth, and how local business growth will contribute to this.
We need to work closely with local businesses to develop these plans so that the voice of local businesses influences the services the council and other agencies deliver.
As part of this we will be conducting a telephone survey with a representative sample of local businesses from across the borough.
Additionally, we want local businesses to get in touch and share their views on any of the topics below:
- The advantages and disadvantages of Lambeth as a place to do business.
- The extent to which customers and suppliers are based locally.
- The challenges facing local businesses (eg cost of premises, changing customer base, competition, broadband availability).
- How staff are recruited and any skills shortages.
- Engagement with apprenticeships and work experience programmes.
- Where businesses go for help and advice.
- How businesses communicate with their customers and partners.
- Whether businesses would like to be involved in any further research or engagement with the council, and if so how would businesses like to be involved.
Send your comments by Monday 16 February to:
John Bennett, Lead Commissioner for Jobs and Growth
Jobs and Growth Team
6th Floor, Phoenix House
10 Wandsworth Road
Or email: jbennett7@lambeth.gov.uk
For more information, visit: www.lambeth.gov.uk/consultations/businesses-in-lambeth