All posts in Council statements and updates Our press releases and information about major announcements or events in Lambeth.
Lambeth confirms new top team following General Election Lambeth Council has reshuffled its Cabinet after one of its most senior members was elected to parliament at the General Election in July.
Lambeth launches new licensing scheme to boost housing quality Lambeth Council has launched its new property licensing scheme, designed to tackle rogue landlords and improve conditions for people living in private rented accommodation in parts of the borough.
Lambeth takes back council homes from fraudulent tenants Lambeth is seizing back scores of fraudulently rented council homes, as part of its drive to increase the number of properties available for people who need a roof above...
Statement: Lambeth Council Chief executive Lambeth Council has issued the following statement in respect of its chief executive, Bayo Dosunmu:
Lambeth agrees plans to deliver better standards for private renters Lambeth is pressing ahead with plans to tackle rogue landlords and improve conditions for people living in private rented accommodation, after councillors approved a new licensing scheme for properties...
Council vows to confront ‘moral scar’ on society as Cabinet supports ambitious delivery programme Lambeth's ambitious housing strategy, revised allocations policy and New Homes Programme were adopted at Cabinet
Strengthening Lambeth’s Town Centres: A Story of Community-Led Transformation Streatham and West Norwood are poised for transformative change with £475,920 in UK Shared Prosperity Fund capital funding, supported by the Mayor of London, revitalising town centres and fostering...
Lambeth continues to tackle affordable housing shortage through innovative partnership Lambeth Council, working closely with a leading youth homelessness charity, aims to broaden the housing landscape for young working people struggling to find affordable accommodation in the borough.