All posts in Council statements and updates Our press releases and information about major announcements or events in Lambeth.
It’s Our Day Today, Wednesday 18 November, the vital local services of a council will be brought to life in 140 characters when staff from Lambeth take part in a 24-hour tweetathon!
A day in the life of our flytipping collection crew Our waste teams work tirelessly to keep the borough clean and tidy – but it’s a non-stop challenge – as Street Champion Robin found out when he joined a...
Reducing burglary and protecting your property with SmartWater Lambeth Police, in partnership with Lambeth Council have launched MetTrace, a three year forensic property marking scheme to reduce burglary across Lambeth.
Living Wage Week – 1 to 7 November 2015 Living Wage Week is a UK-wide celebration of the living wage and living wage employers. To celebrate local employers who pay their staff a living wage, Lambeth Council is...
Neighbourhood Planning in Tulse Hill Residents, businesses and community groups in Tulse Hill have come together to form a Neighbourhood Forum, in order to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for their area. Two separate neighbourhood...
Lambeth cracks down on fly tippers Lambeth council enforcement officers have stepped up their activity against fly tippers, issuing over 100 fines in a month for dumping rubbish.
Search begins for Lambeth’s next young politicians Nominations for 2015’s Youth Council and Youth Mayor elections are now open, and Lambeth is looking for people who have what it takes to represent the views of young...
Is your child due to start secondary school in September 2016? If you live in Lambeth, the easiest way to apply for your child's place is online. The deadline to apply for a secondary school is Saturday 31 October 2015