All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Boosting local neighbourhoods with healthier streets The Loughborough Road Healthy Route project has just started and promises changes to improve air quality and make the streets safer for all
Lambeth: Windrush Day events announced Lambeth is marking Windrush 75 this month, and details of two events for Windrush Day on June 22 have been announced
London Living Wage – The Manual "Being an accredited Living Wage Employer shows current and future employees we’re committed to supporting them" say Coldharbour Lane Events company The Manual
Nominate Lambeth’s Greatest Gardens – Blooming Lambeth Awards 2023 Nominate a garden or gardener in any of eight prizewinning categories in the Blooming Lambeth Awards by SUNDAY 9 JULY
Lambeth Country Show proves to be a spectacular success The free Lambeth Country Show community festival on Saturday and Sunday attracting big crowds
Lambeth Council launches its Social Care Academy Lambeth Council has started its Social Care Academy, to ensure we attract, recruit, and retain outstanding social workers in Children’s Social Care.
Lambeth: New research show LTNs cut motorists’ mileage New research into the impact of Lambeth Council’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) has shown a significant drop in vehicle journeys by residents.
Lambeth Parent Champions programme wins national award. A Lambeth Council programme, the Lambeth Parent Champions, has been awarded the Parent Champion Scheme of the year award by Coram Family and Childcare.