All posts in Children and young people Lambeth is home to one of the youngest populations in London, and the council offers a wide range of services to support them. Here you can read about the latest work being done by Lambeth and our partners to ensure our young people live safe, happy and fulfilled lives.
Have your say about Lambeth’s Your New Town Hall project Lambeth residents are being encouraged to have their say on plans to save millions of pounds by slashing the number of council office buildings in the borough.
Save the date … grill those in charge of Lambeth Council on 23 July 2014 What should London do for its young people? Get your questions to us about this subject ahead of the full council meeting. Comment on this story or tweet us...
Hospitality jobs for Lambeth’s impressive teenagers Lambeth students shine during a recruitment event for a top hotel and gain experience of applying for a job.
Looking for work in construction? Come along to our Construction Recruitment Day on Tuesday 17 June to find out more about the thousands of construction jobs coming up at Nine Elms and across the...
Recycle a Cycle project, bringing abandoned bikes back to life This great project, run by the Lambeth Sustainable Travel Team, frees up space for people to park their bikes in overcrowded cycle parking areas by identifying abandoned bikes and...
Lambeth Music Festival: Over 2,500 children make the Southbank Centre sing The 11th annual Lambeth Music Festival takes place between 31 March and 4 April at the world-famous Southbank Centre. Children aged between 6 and 18, from over 50 Lambeth...