The BID – one of seven in the borough of Lambeth – was first established in 2014 and works to improve Clapham as a place to work, live, visit and do business through things like free business recycling, additional street cleaning, local area marketing and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
Lambeth’s Electoral Services Team delivered the renewal ballot, with ballot papers sent to more than 400 businesses.
75% of businesses voted in favour of renewal, on a turnout of 48%, meaning the BID will continue its work for another five years.
This is Clapham is a not-for-profit company funded by 370 businesses and governed by volunteers from the local business community through its Board and sub-groups. These volunteers determine which projects to pursue and how the collected levies and any additional income is spent.
The BID also raise funds through sponsorship and grants from sources such as Lambeth Council and The Mayor of London.
Lambeth Electoral Services Manager, Chris John, acted as Deputy Returning Officer for the BID on behalf of Lambeth’s Returning Officer, Andrew Travers.
The counting of votes took place on Thursday 14 February 2019 at Lambeth Town Hall, with results announced to stakeholders the next day.