We are seeing a rising number of coronavirus cases across London. The increase is now widespread in the population, so it is no longer just young people. The government has announced that the whole of London is being placed on the watchlist due to the steady increase in COVID-19 cases. The number of cases by borough varies, but if the general trend continues to increase, then more restrictive measures may be needed.
We all want to slow the spread of the virus and protect our community. We want to avoid more hospital admissions and deaths and also the long-term illness that some people get from COVID-19, even if they were previously fit, healthy and young.
The good news is that we can all help!
The most effective ways of stopping the spread of COVID-19 are to:
- Limit social interaction by avoiding crowded spaces;
- Maintain social distance of 2 m;
- Wash hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitiser for 20 s;
- Wear face coverings when social distancing cannot be maintained, for instance in public transport, shops and other enclosed spaces.
- It is easy to remember: Hands-Face-Space!
Word from Cabinet
Cllr Jim Dickson, Cabinet Member for Health and Social care said “We know how important it is for our health and wellbeing to do the things we enjoy. It makes us feel more positive and able to cope with the challenges we are all facing. However, we need to ensure that we protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community overall.”
To further help contain the spread of COVID-19, some other measures have been introduced:
- From Thursday 24 September, pubs, bars and restaurants must operate a full table service and must close at 10pm.
- Face coverings will be mandatory for retail staff, PHVs and taxis and hospitality except when sitting down to eat.
- The introduction of new penalties and fines for businesses who do not operate a Covid-secure environment.
- From Monday 28 September, weddings will be able to host a maximum of 15 guests. Funerals will continue to have 30 attendees.
- The rule of 6 is to be adopted for all indoor adult sports.
- There will be a pause on events, conferences and audiences at sporting fixtures.
- Those who are able to work from home should do so.
In addition, we can also download the NHS COVID-19 app for Apple or Android. It requires a relatively recent version of the software, so not everyone will be able to use it. The app will help identifyi the people who have been in contact with someone who later tested positive for COVID-19. But don’t worry if you cannot use it – the NHS Test & Trace system remains the main mechanism to manage COVID-19 and the app serves to complement it. The app is not essential – the key steps to protect yourself and others against COVID-19 remain the same – social distancing, hand hygiene, and face coverings. Hands-Face-Space!
Remember – If you have COVID-19 symptoms (new continuous cough, high temperature, loss or change of taste or smell) book a free test immediately and self-isolate at home. Please do not book at test if you don’t have symptoms, unless you are told to do so by the authorities.
If you find it difficult to stay at home and self-isolate, contact 0333 360 3700 or email mycommunity@ageuklambeth.org.
If we all stick to the Hands-Face-Space! advice, we can protect each other and keep Lambeth open for business.