The purpose of the changes, the new Directorate structure and the new senior roles are detailed below.
The restructure has been undertaken in response to the unprecedented challenges councils face over the next five years, working in an increasingly volatile and uncertain world, with increasing and changing demand for services.
At the same time we face ongoing budget cuts that look set to continue until the mid-2020s at least. With government preoccupied with Brexit, local areas will need to work in partnership to show the creativity and drive to reform public services and enable places and communities to meet these challenges.
With its capacity for growth and change, its diverse and dynamic population, and its world-class partnership potential, Lambeth is well–placed to make this a reality. We need a council that is up to the challenge with all of our workforce supporting our efforts and empowered to do so.
What we will do
Lambeth Council will continue to enable growth and development in the borough. This will provide opportunities for our residents to improve their life chances and protect our core revenue streams to help our most vulnerable and our key services. The council will ensure that the benefits of growth increase community resilience, and that we target our investment in early help and preventative services. Reform of the way we commission and deliver services with our partners to provide and promote care and independence will take place. The council will make sure that Lambeth remains a place where people want to live, work and invest.
How we will do it
By tackling inequality – there are persistent inequalities of opportunity and outcome in the borough and we will continue to challenge this, including by following the recommendations of the Lambeth Equalities Commission. By collaborating – working in partnership with our communities will enable us to achieve the best possible outcomes for Lambeth. By being transparent – we need to promote trust and confidence so that we can work together with our communities and our partners. By delivering value for money – we must ensure that we maximise our financial returns and increase the sustainability of the local economy.
Our new Directorate structure will be as follows
Sustainable Growth and Opportunity – To lead and enable growth, development, inward investment, new housing and economic sustainability across the borough, and to make sure that Lambeth residents have the skills and opportunities to benefit.
Interim Strategic Director: Emma Peters
Resident Services – To integrate all day-to-day services for housing, environment and customer support for residents and businesses across the borough, providing excellent quality and value for money.
Interim Strategic Director: Bayo Dosunmu.
Children’s Services – To support excellence and opportunity in Lambeth’s schools, provide help and social care for children and families, commission high quality early years, youth and play services and to lead the Council’s work on community safety and serious youth violence.
Strategic Director: Annie Hudson
Adults and Health – To commission and provide outcomes-focused adult social care, lead the delivery of public health approaches across the Council, and to lead on the integration of social care and health with health and voluntary sector partners across the borough.
Acting Strategic Director: Fiona Connolly
Finance and Investment – To lead the investment and commercial functions of the Council, ensure we deliver on our commitments, and have the people and other resources we need to be successful.
Interim Strategic Director: Christina Thompson.
The recruitment campaign to find the council’s permanent Strategic Directors of Growth and Opportunity, Resident Services, and Finance and Investment will begin shortly. The council’s management restructure will save £1million. To view the council’s new structure can be found on the council website.