There are around 10,000 businesses in the borough and they play a pivotal part in making Lambeth a strong, stable and vibrant local economy. It’s also important that businesses Do The Right Thing to make a positive impact on the environment and their local area.
We spoke to Rajan, Director at Coversure Kennington insurance services. He believes that businesses should do all they can to be responsible to the environment. His team make sure they recycle wherever possible, and donate unwanted furniture and equipment rather than throw it away.
Rajan and his team also regularly get involved in fundraising for the area. In 2011 they all abseiled down the side of the Battersea Power Station to raise money for The Stroke Association. This year the whole team has entered the London to Brighton Bike Ride to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Rajan says, “We believe strongly in the ethos of giving something back to both local and worldwide charities that help people lead better lives every day.”
How businesses can be environmentally friendly and socially responsible
Businesses have a legal duty to store, transport and safely dispose of the waste they generate. We provide a regular and one-off recycling and commercial waste collection service.
Timed rubbish and recycling collections has started to be introduced to our high streets to keep them free of rubbish for most of the day. View our timed rubbish and recycling collections guide for more details.
Sign up for our business newsletter to keep up-to-date with all the latest business news in our borough, hear about networking and mentoring opportunities, fund raising and apprenticeship schemes.
Support schemes such as the Brixton Pound (B£), which is designed to support Brixton businesses and encourage local trade and production.
Does your business act responsibly? There’s still time to enter the Lambeth Best of Business Awards and get recognised for your success.