The Lambeth Community Sports Team offer a training and workforce programme that will help
up-skill community sport/physical activity agencies, staff and volunteers towards club/delivery operational management standards.
The Lambeth Community Sports Team have been working in partnership with London Sport and the Sport England (Club Matters) Programme for the past 18 months. We have pulled together a workforce/capacity building programme, which is FREE to grassroots community sports organisations, clubs and third sector agencies who provide physical activity services to residents.
We will be offering between 8-12 training support programmes over the next year, This may expand subject to demand and need.
Club Matters programme supporting local sports clubs
The Club Matters programme is a national training scheme and Lambeth will have the honour of hosting the 100th workshop:
Marketing and Publicity Strategies and the Impact for your organisation
- Tuesday 24 November 2015
- Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
- Location: Brixton Recreation Centre (4th floor -Conference Room)
If you would like to attend or know more about the workforce and training programme we have scheduled for the next 6 months, please contact or register your interest with London Sport on:
London Sport
Lorna Leach, Coaching Officer
Mobile: 07535 796 494
Email: lorna.leach@londonsport.org
Lambeth Community Sports Team
Rodney Craig, Community Sports Officer
Tel: 020 7926 0396
Email: rcraig@lambeth.gov.uk
This seems to have happened last year. Is this programme scheduled for 2016 too?
Please contact our Community Sports Officer, Rodney Craig on 020 7926 0396 or rcraig@lambeth.gov.uk and he will be able to advise.