We are working with Transport for London (TfL) on plans for cycling Quietway 5, a route running from Waterloo to Norbury. As part of this and further to our Quietway 5 cycle route consultation which we held earlier this year, we are now trialling restricted access to Estreham Road for northbound vehicles (excluding cycles).
Why Estreham Road?
Estreham Road is currently used as a ‘rat-run’, with non-local motor traffic using this road to avoid the traffic signals at the junction of Greyhound Lane and Streatham High Road.
By reducing the amount of motor traffic using Estreham Road, we hope to create a better street environment which prioritises people over vehicles, making it more pleasant for residents and visitors to walk through.
The six month trial to restrict access is designed to allow motor vehicle access to the train station, but reduce the volume and speed of motor traffic on Estreham Road.
Southbound motorists would still be able to access the road here as they currently do.
What will happen if the trial is successful?
At the end of the six-month trial period, we will take a decision as to whether to make the scheme permanent (by introducing a permanent traffic order), or to remove the one-way closure.
If it is made permanent, it is proposed that a traffic island and tree would be installed (as shown below).
What are cycling quietways?
Quietways are a network of high quality, well signed cycle routes throughout London, mostly using backstreets. The routes link key destinations and aim to appeal to new and existing people that cycle who want to use quieter, low-traffic routes. Quietways complement other cycling initiatives in London, such as the Cycle Superhighways.
Find out more
Please visit the Quietway 5 cycle route consultation page for more information about Estreham Road trial and full Frequently Asked Questions.
As a resident of Pathfield Road I have witnessed nothing but a negative effect on our street. There is so much traffic coming through Pathfield Road because people are trying to cut out the traffic on greyhound lane. This means drivers are speeding down Pathfield Road in order to beat the queues. As a parent I don’t feel our Road is safe any more, many parents are on the school run when these cars are speeding and I definitely hold on tighter to my children when I’m walking. I have also witnessed many arguments from drivers because there are so many more cars going through Pathfield Road in both directions and there is no where to move, this results in gridlock! The congestion, the pollution, the noise, the safety aspect are the result of Esterham Road being blocked, all that’s happened is you’ve moved the problem from one road to another!! This is not a solution, more like a hazard!!!
I am a resident of Pathfield Road. The trial traffic restriction on Estreham Road has had a serious knock-on effect, making Pathfield Road an alternative rat-run for cars and trucks during the morning rush-hour. As well as the unacceptable increase in noise on an otherwise quiet residential raod, it is hazardous for the many children who walk to school at that time. Please review developments in this light, and consider additional measures to safeguard Pathfield Road eg one way filters. Thank you.
Please send your comments through to the team conducting the trial, via the contact information at http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/estreham so that it can be included in the assessment process.
Communications team
Whilst the closure may be a “Trial” I sat and watching for fifteen minutes of rush hour on Thursday last – ion that time I watched four vehicles simply ignore the signage and drive round the “no entry”. If the restriction is to be made permanent (and I sincerely hope that it will be) then there needs to be some enforcement or ignoring the no entry will become a habit
Drove down through Estreham Road from the High Road this morning. Waiting at the lights to turn into Greyhound Land, I watched nine cars turned into Estreham Road. Five went into the station, four went straight through the No Entry sign on the Zebra Crossing and continued up Estreham Road. I suggest you signpost ‘Traffic Camera’ and actually put one on place ASAP.