Marian (pictured on the left) is already thinking about the future and would like to land a permanent job with Capita or to work in human resources.
We asked Marion what her advice to others considering an apprenticeship would be. She said: “I would definitely recommend it. You gain a qualification and earn whilst you learn – education and experience that can go on your CV.”
Marian is pictured with her team leader, Marilyn Brathwaite, who was an apprentice herself. As part of its 10-year contract with Lambeth Council, Capita pledged to take on 40 apprentices. Marilyn would recommend other companies consider taking on an apprentice. She said: “It’s a win-win situation, the young person gets an opportunity and you get a young and enthusiastic person.
Marilyn is not alone. According to the National Apprenticeship Service, 96 per cent of employers that take on an apprentice report benefits to their business.
Your business can benefit from an apprentice
Apprenticeship programmes cover more than 170 industries and if you think your business could benefit from an apprentice, contact our apprenticeship coordinator on 020 7926 5966 or lambethworking@lambeth.gov.uk
You could be an apprentice and earn as you learn
If you’re considering an apprenticeship yourself then the National Apprenticeship Service is packed with good advice and you can register online.